What does TankVac® do?
TankVac® is a self-cleaning water tank vacuum system with no moving parts and without the need for power.
When a standard water tank overflows, the excess water drains from the top of the tank. Unfortunately this means it’s the fresh, richly-oxygenated water which is removed first.
TankVac® changes the flow of water and creates an automatic vacuum whenever your tank overflows. This vacuum siphons the waste water from the base of the water tank. It discharges water in such a powerful flow, that the harmful sediments and bacterial colonies are extracted.
As the wastewater is purged from the water tank, it takes with it the organic materials with it. These organic materials settle and grow on the bottom of your tank.
This unique water tank vacuum (patented) system was developed in New Zealand. The system is tested and proven at the School of Engineering, University of Waikato in collaboration with microbiologists from Auckland University of Technology.
TankVac ® is manufactured locally in Brisbane by TankVac Australia. Your purchase supports Australian manufacturing.
Is TankVac® cost-effective?
By replacing the need for frequent, costly professional tank cleaning TankVac® will virtually pay for itself as soon as it is installed!
TankVac® can potentially extend the life of your filtration system. It will no longer be subjected to a constant stream of finely-ground waste materials.

Is TankVac® easy to install?
TankVac® can be easily fitted by any DIY handyman. It can be retro-fitted to your full or empty existing water tank or installed with your new tank. Installation services are available in some locations in Australia, contact us for more information.
Step 1
TankVac® automatically starts as soon as the water level reaches the top of the tank.
TankVac® uses a patented Flow Generator which removes air from the pipe carrying the wastewater.
Step 2
TankVac® begins to suck waste from the base of the tank.
This self cleaning tank vacuum system automatically creates a vacuum when the siphon-effect begins. This powerful vacuum increases water flow three-fold, drawing out sludge like a firehose-type jet at a rate of up to 9 litres per second. The base pipe drawing out the wastewater, has been designed to create an even vacuum across the base of the tank. The expelled wastewater carries with it, the poorest quality water and the harmful sludge which stagnates on the tank floor.
Step 3
Suction stops as soon as the water level drops to the pre-set drilled ‘level control’ holes.
The siphoning action ceases when the water level drops to the air holes placed 25mm below the ‘full’ water level.
TankVac ® Installation Kit
RRP $399 (incl. GST) plus Shipping.